Twas the night before Blissdom and all through my house,
Not an item was packed, not even my mouse.
My laundry was strewn by the bedside per usual
And the odds of me washing it for packing were null.
CW and Ava were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of panic danced around in my head.
I plopped down on the sofa, with a full glass of wine
To just settle my brain for a very brief time.
When out on the Twitter there arose such a chatter,
I sprang to my iphone to see what was the matter.
My Hootsuite app flew open like a flash
Then blinked a bit and immediately crashed!
I gasped at the thought of a hard malfunction
Then opened my Twitter app without disruption.
At a rapid fire pace, more tweets they came,
And I watched them fly by and squeeed out their names.
Now @AlliWorthington! Now @barbarajones! Now @susancain and @jonacuff!
On @JNJNews! On @MyVO5! On @lisaleonard and @Pier1!
To the top of the feed! To the top of the twitterfall!
Now post away! Post away! Post away all!
And then I realized I had procrastinated enough,
So I threw some clothes in a pile, grabbed my DSLR in a huff.
Pictures of each outfit were needed at most
How else would I make a last minute prep post?
Obligatory scarves so soft, twinkling jewelry – how merry!
My first thought – post to Facebook! Show everyone what I’m wearing.
Then I packaged up my roommate gifts, topped with a pretty bow.
Can you tell I got them last minute? Eh – they’ll never know.
There’s too much for one suitcase, two will have to do.
I’m flying southwest so no baggage fees – woo hoo!
Then I realized – oh crap! I forgot to check in.
I’ll be boarding in C – with full overhead bins.
With a twitch in my eye and a shake of my head
I knew packing my carry-on would be something to dread.
Where to put my laptop? My camera? These mags I’ve been hoarding?
I guess I’ll have to just buy more before boarding.
I spoke not a word, but went straight to my work.
Then sat on my suitcase and zipped it with a jerk.
And slowly I lugged these large bags to my trunk.
Wondering why in the Hell I need all of this junk?
I sprang into my bed, silenced my iPhone tweet sound
And away I drifted to dream of new friends to be found.
This conference is going to be amazing. Right?
See you at Blissdom tomorrow! And to y’all a good night.
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