Aloha! We are enjoying a week in Honolulu. Our 16th anniversary was yesterday ad my 38th (!) birthday is on Friday. So far it has been pretty awesome. We’ve never come here with Ava before. It’s definitely a different experience, but watching her experience new things and new places is one of the best gifts I have from being a mom.
I do have a bit of advice – when it comes to sunscreen, you must apply liberally and often. Ouch! We had so much fun swimming in Waikiki yesterday that we only reapplied our sunscreen once. In five hours. Huge mistake. But we are not too crispy for our family photos later this afternoon. Thankfully!! It’s a huge parent fail for me though, because I’ve never, ever, let Ava get sunburned. I feel pretty awful about that. I guess she doesn’t seem to mind it all that much, what with us being in paradise and all.
I’m working on a good trip recap post with some nice pics of Oahu and will get that posted as soon as I can. For now, I’m going to sit back and enjoy the view.
Warmest Aloha!
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