I followed Greta on Twitter for several months before I actually got to meet her in person at Blissdom this year. She is so nice and warm and all around awesome. I’m so happy to know her and look forward to getting to know her better. Doesn’t blogging rule? Where else can you meet wonderful people with the same interests as you who are so incredibly welcoming? A few weeks ago I saw her put a call out for her Great Expectations series. I don’t usually volunteer for these types of things, but it was Greta and her blog is awesome so I contacted her. Ironically, she was contacting me at the very same time. Love it! We had a good laugh and then she sent me a post date. So here we go! Go find me hanging out at Greta’s for her Great Expectations series. I’m retelling a story I’ve sort of told before, but it’s way better so go check it out.
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