Sometimes, life just gets in the way. Or in my case, space got in my way. Most of you who know me know that space rules my house. And by space I mean NASA, human spaceflight, rocket launches and all things spacey of that nature.
CW and I have both spent our 20+ year careers in the space industry. He’s had a long tenure at NASA in Mission Control in Houston for the space station and I’ve held every space job under the sun (ba dum bump) except astronaut and full-fledged engineer. Space is there 24/7, so needless to say, our schedules can get hectic and complicated, juggling his late night shifts and my travel to launches.
So I took a hiatus from this space to focus on that space.
By shifting energy from blogging to my carreer, I was able to really focus on doing a better job at my day job. A couple of months ago, I was offered a position with a company that I greatly respect by someone who greatly respects me and I took it. It wasn’t easy to make that choice and I learned a lot about myself and others through the process, but now it’s all simply water under a smoldering bridge that has cast a nice glow on the future.
Narrowing my focus helped me to find the path that made the most sense for me. As a chronic multi-tasker, this has always been hard. But I’m learning how to cast aside things that shouldn’t matter – things that hinder progress or provide too much unnecessary, or unhealthy distraction. And by doing this, I’ve come out the other side realizing that writing does matter to me. It’s not unnecessary nor unhealthy. It may be a distraction, though. I’m perfectly ok with that.
Now that I’ve gotten my space, I’m ready to jump back into this one. Hope you come along for the ride.
OOOH, I’m so glad that Blog Lovin’ recommended that I follow you. I am so interested in your story! And not just because I love “Apollo 13.”
Amanda @ queenofthelandoftwigsnberries recently posted..Press Here & Mix It Up–Herve Tullet
Totally just found your blog after you retweeted me on Twitter. So glad I did. Too cool that you’re really a Space family!!! Looking forward to reading loads of your posts and glad you’re back in the swing of things!
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