“If I waited till I felt like writing, I’d never write at all.”
— Anne Tyler, Pulitzer prize-winning novelist
Do you ever feel like writing so much, but you are afraid what kind of words will flow? Writing is funny that way. It can scare you and intimidate you, while freeing you all at once. Sometimes, just putting fingers on they keys or getting out favorite pens and papers are enough to get the words flowing.
For me, it is a little more difficult.
Unless I’m writing for profit, I am very gun shy about the whole process. I find that I can’t write much when I’m happy because I’m too busy being so happy.
But I sure can write when I’m miserable. The only problem with that is that nobody wants to read misery. Sure, there are people who appreciate a good commiseration, but for the most part, people want to be uplifted. I sure do.
What’s funny is that when I write, I do get uplifted. Just getting the words out of my head helps. By putting the words in a place other than my own thoughts, I’m able to move on for a brief amount of time.
So this stream of consciousness post about writing is my way of getting back in the game. My way of putting my fingers on the keys again. It’s not my best writing by far, but the words are there. And that in itself is meaningful.
I enjoyed reading your post a lot. I’m not a professional writer and English is my second language. My writing is far away from great, but I enjoy it tremendously. Even though not many people read my posts yet, I always feel uplifted and accomplished after I hit the “publish” button. I love your last sentence! Our words are meaningful.