Hmmm… where do I start? Well, I live in the armpit of Texas: Houston. I’m pushing 40 (slowly), have one sweet daughter, a wonderful husband and I drink entirely too much wine. Well, maybe just enough wine. Or not enough – depends on the day.
Chuck and I waited to have kids until we were over 30; probably our most grown-up decision ever. When we had Ava, we were married for almost 10 years and had traveled a lot and grew tired of drinking for recreation like the rest of our crew. We both felt like it was now or never and a year after trying we were blessed with the happiest child on the planet. I often wonder if she’s mine.
Since Ava came along, our world has vastly changed. Those party people are still at it and we are no longer friends. That’s not a bad thing. But, we aren’t necessarily what you would call ‘kid people’ and find it hard to associate with those who are. It’s a sticky situation to be in sometimes and makes finding new friends hard, but I don’t apologize for who I am.
On the job front, I worked at NASA as a contractor from 1998-2010 doing a gamut of jobs. I did project management, astronaut training, technical writing, education outreach and public affairs. While I loved the work, I realized that the politics were too much for me to handle. After consulting for a large aerospace company that probably built the last plane you flew on for about eight months, I’m now at a public relations firm where I focus on commercial space clients. It’s pretty awesome.
I finished my master’s degree last year. I’m an Air Force veteran and got great benefits for school so it was essentially free. In one of my master’s classes, I had to read Virginia Woolf. From that I realized I’m an existentialist. Kind of. At least I related to her, which is rare because I don’t relate to most people well at all. Too bad she’s dead an all that.
I also wrote and illustrated a children’s book for my final master’s project. It’s about a princess that goes to space. I’ve pitched it to one publisher unsuccessfully. I’m now too nervous to do anything else with the damn thing…
Other than that, I have the attention span of a gnat. I can’t decide who or what I want to be when I grow up. I’m a Jane of all trades and master of one or two.
Oh, and I love Better Than Ezra. But I’m not a stalker. That is all.
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