Hi! Remember me? I blogged here back on May 7. And then I dropped the mic and walked out. At least that’s sort of how it feels.
That post, back on May 7, is a bunch of smoke and mirrors. I wrote about being OK with what happened to me after LTYM. I said it was a learning experience and that I’m good now and blah, blah, blah. Really? I’m still pissed it happened. And I’m so pissed that my ability to open myself up here has been severely effected. For almost two months now. In the past two months, a lot has happened and I have so many blog topics that I don’t know where to start.
First, and most importantly, I started talking to my Dad again. After eight years. It was weird how easy it was to pick back up, but it’s really sad how sick he is now. It’s also sad how much he loves Ava and he missed out on the first seven years of her life. Moral of the story, sometimes people are hurting and have no idea how to communicate that feeling. They lash out at the most important people in their lives rather than dealing with what’s really going on. If there is someone in your life like this, especially a family member or close friend, find a path to them somehow. It can change both of your lives.
Second, Ava finished first grade. Holy shit. My little monkey is almost as tall as me now. We even get our clothes mixed up in the laundry now. Words really escape me here.
Next, I ran my first half marathon. What an amazing accomplishment. Kudos to all of you out there that are veterans at long-distance runs. And kudos to the two friends I was able to con into doing the race, too. You both rock. I’m signed up for the Star Wars half marathon at Disneyland in January, too. Cannot. Wait.
Finally, I experienced something I’m having a hard time dealing with that also muted my keyboard. All I’m going to say is, ladies, we need to lift each other up. If your friends have opportunities or receive recognition that you don’t, it’s ok. Your time will come. Be happy for them. Seeing friends succeed should make us all proud and happy to call them friends. Get over yourself and you, and those around you, will be happier for it.
There’s more, but that’s all I’ve got for now. These could have easily each been their own posts, but my psyche just hasn’t been up to it for the past few weeks. How about you? Are you working through an emotional or writer’s block right now?
I have five million things going on and it’s been so hard to focus on one thing to write about. But I really want to write!!
I’m glad you’re back.
Ewokmama recently posted..My Extraordinary Kid
Yes, focus is such a struggle! Now I know why people do podcasts and vlogs. Much easier to get stuff out that way, I think.
I’m glad you’re back at it and look forward to meeting you this week!
Amy, using our words recently posted..School’s Out for Summer