We all have a story to tell, right? And sometimes, we are lucky enough to be given a platform to tell it. This blog has been my platform since late 2010 and as a champion Starter of Projects I Never Finish, I’m pretty damn proud of myself for sticking with this for so long.
This weekend, I have the opportunity to share my story on another platform. I will be a cast member of the Southeast Texas Listen to Your Mother show. If you don’t know about LTYM, dust off that dirt from the rock you’ve been living under and read about it here.
The cast is a great group of ladies and one lovely gentleman who are all very different. I like that. I celebrate their differences and hope that they appreciate mine as well. I also hope that the audience appreciates my story. There’s all of this talk about the “me too’s” that happen at these shows. I can honestly say that I’m expecting the “bless her hearts” to outweigh the “me too’s” a thousand times…
You see, my story discusses the unpopular topic of my not being religious. Because of it, I’ve almost backed out of this gig multiple times. But regardless of what the audience thinks, it is MY story to tell. I’m proud of who I am. I’m proud of the wife and mother I have become. My strength comes from within and that is something I will never change. And I’m very much at peace with that choice.
I still don’t know what I’m wearing tomorrow, but I picked out two nice bottles of champagne for the cast to toast our success and our bravery. Priorities.
If you are coming out to Beaumont to see us, I thank you in advance. The stories we all tell are unique, important and worth every minute of your time. We are all so very brave in our own ways by getting up on that stage and putting ourselves out there.
I’m thankful to be a part of all of this and can’t wait to see how Sunday’s show turns out. Here’s wishing many broken legs this weekend! Not really… we do have to climb stairs to get up on stage, you know.
I could write the same story – we could swap a lot of stories over margaritas one night, I bet 🙂
Becca recently posted..Meeting My Goals With the Help of Reebok ONE
Becca – thank you so much for reading my blog! Will you be at BlogHer or TypeACon? I would love, love, love to have a drink and chat.
I’m glad you haven’t backed out, and I think more people will relate than you imagine. Even Christians can have a crisis of faith, and there is a lot in your story that I think people will see in themselves, Christian or not.
Jennifer recently posted..Happy Mama Moment – Six
Thanks Jennifer. I would have been so disappointed in myself had I bailed for so many reasons. Thank you for giving me a platform. I’m beginning to think it may launch me in more ways than one.
Congrats to you!! I hope it goes really well. I just learned about LTYM a few months ago, but ti was too late to try out for DC (the one closest to me). I am not in TX, but would love to hear your LTYM story. Is it something you have already published or will it be shared after the show?
Susan Maccarelli recently posted..The Little Voice
Hi Susan! I love that you read my blog. I just love yours! I promise to stop lurking and comment. You can read the post I read for LTYM here: https://www.averagesupermom.com/mortality-and-motherhood/
As one of your fellow castmates, I can honestly say that your “religious” beliefs or choice to not believe is not what I focused on, in regard to your story.
To me, the blessing of your story was the obvious love you have for Ava and the fact that you love her enough to allow her to make choices in her life. Also, the warmth with which you told of your routine nights with her and just how much love you give as a mom.
We all have our beliefs, but when you strip all of that away, we are just moms trying to love our children into adulthood and that makes us all the same at the core.
I’m so proud to share the stage with such an accomplished woman (you)! Afterall, you’re the only one that has a trophy 🙂
Love ya girl!
Debbie recently posted..My Biggest Fan
Oh Debbie, thank you so much. I’m trying hard to embrace the good that happened yesterday and let the bad go. Your support means a lot to me. It truly does. Thank you.